How does it work?

As we start with utilizing for our initial product, the specialized design allows protocols utilizing Snapshot for governance to leverage QuickSnap for providing incentives and facilitating the seamless claiming of rewards by voters.

There are two key roles in this process:

  • Providers - Individuals seeking to influence the outcome of a proposal or accumulate votes have the option to deposit incentives, which serve as rewards for voters.

  • Voters - Individuals who engage in the governance process by casting their votes for their favored incentivized outcome through Snapshot's proposals. Subsequently, they receive rewards from providers.

Providers have the flexibility to select the proposal they wish to influence. Utilizing QuickSnap's platform, providers can deposit tokens onto their preferred vote-option as incentives. On the other hand, voters can express their preferences by casting votes on the proposal through Snapshot. Upon the conclusion of the proposal, rewards are calculated and allocated to each voter. These rewards can be claimed through QuickSnap at any time.

For more details about the how to provide incentives and claim rewards, have a look at the detailed pages of our documentation

Last updated