
In this page you'll learn about incentives or rewards

Incentives or rewards refer to tokens deposited by a provider onto a specific vote option within a proposal. This mechanism serves as a means for providers to influence the outcome of governance. This incentive structure encourages active participation in the governance process.

To learn how to become a provider, visit Provider and follow the provided instructions.

Users who vote for options with associated rewards become eligible to receive the incentives allocated to those options.

To learn how to become a voter, visit Voter and follow the provided instructions.

Rewards Calculation

Voting on a proposal takes place on Snapshot. Following the conclusion of the proposal, all rewards are calculated and subsequently distributed to the participating voters.

Voting power is determined based on the strategy and voting types specified by the space. For a more comprehensive understanding, refer to the Snapshot documentation at 👉

The way rewards are calculated relies on the types of voting methods used in the proposal. Here's a breakdown of how rewards are calculated based on the different voting types:

Single Choice VotingApproval VotingBasic VotingWeighted VotingQuadratic VotingRanked Choice Voting

Last updated